
92 Movie Reviews

36 w/ Responses

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Me gusto mucho

Me agrado la historia, la profundidad de los personajes. La falta de color no mella la animacion, sino que al contrario, le hace ver mas interesante aun.

Es una pena que probablemente tengas un score bajo por la falta de subtitulos en Ingles.

Aun cuando en Newgrounds hay muchos latinos (Una quinta parte de Newgrounds habla español) la mayoria no entendera la profundidad de tu animacion. Trata de subirla con subtitulos en Ingles.

Si necesitas ayuda, hasmelo saber. Vi que tienes algunas fallas gramaticales en el ingles, asi que podria ayudarte a traducir la historia al Ingles si asi lo quieres.

Sigue adelante. Me gustaria ver mas de tus trabajos. :)

~ Ozcar, miembro fundador de Latingrounds.

Has a good potential`

I liked the plot. It was nice and it made me laugh :)

If you're going to keep making this (as a serie) you better improve the graphics, specially your characters and try to don't use black backgrounds.

Also, try to get a better microphone. Speak farther from it. You can hear sometimes the breathing noise of the guy that is talking.

Keep up the good work :)

zeeloph responds:

yea we need money to get a better mic but i think i might just get that money to get one..and also the preloader is the char model for teh second episode

Amazing :)

This is the best animation I've seen with Mario. This is what I call a real TRIBUTE :D

Congratulations guys!

Keep up the good work.

Despues de todo fue interesante.

Por lo general no me gusta la gente que hace un excesivo uso de la "K" cuando habla (komo esto ke eskribo aki) pero la historia que le diste a la animacion me hiso reir bastante.

Tuve que checar las dos versiones (Ingles y español) para ver si las bromas compaginaban, pero logicamente algunas de ellas no lo hicieron.

Me gusto mucho. Vote en ella 5.

Graficas: Las ordinarias para un RPG, hecho a base de sprites. Aunque fueron bien utilizadas. 9 en ello.

Estilo: Muy bueno y bastante original aun cuando hay cientos de parodias a Zelda en Newgrounds. Sin embargo nunca habia visto una como la tuya. 9 ahi.

Sonido: Fue bueno y compaginaba con la animacion. Es una listama que el sonido que hace la flecha para continuar los dialogos despues de un rato se vuelve poco soportable.

Violencia: Oh si! 9 ahi. :)

Interactividad: Pocas animaciones cuentan con este punto. Me agrado el ActionScript que utilizaste para el segundo boton del Mouse. Felicidades. 10 por ello.

Humor: Casi me cago de la risa :)

Nada mal para ser tu primer animacion en Newgrounds. Sigue trabajando duro.

~ ozcar @ newgrounds . com

I loved it!

A great animation, Jack dude :)

It has some bugs and it lags a little in the end, but it was pretty funny :D

How to improve your next animation?

- Next time get better male voice actors. Some of them did their best, others don't.
- Add more shades
- I wanted to see more blood! Could you make one day a parody of Freddy Vs Jason? I'd like to see that.

Keep up the good work!



I found it funny, esse :)
In fact, it was a well made movie (Even when you didn't work on the lips) Try to work on them (Don't be a lazy mexican, god damn!) try to keep in mind that lips aren't hard to draw, it just need a little more of time.
If you need help with the lips animation, I would be honored to help you with them. You know where and how to contactme, hermano. Keep doing this great job :)

alexsmolik responds:

Hehe, glad you took it the good way and you rather liked the movie !

I'm really trying to work on the lips right now, as you said, because I have a few other projects in mind with LOTS of lip synch. So you know, I'm watching lots of tutorials and stuff.
Thanks for your help, but I prefer to do things on my own hehe ... so I get all the "pride" after, you know what I mean anyways.
Thanks for the review,

Nice one

Number 7 is the best one so far :) You guys are doing a great job everytime you come with a new chapter... This chapter has a better animation (The graphics are good, like in the other movies)

The way yu mix the action with the sound effects and music is great, that makes all your movies interesting. I loved the fight scene...Man! How many days did you spent to make it like that? I bet it wasn't easy...

You guys should add a control for the movie (Like: Pause, play, stop, next scene, etc) that would make the movies even better :)

Keep doing this great work :) I'll be waiting for the next one.


MaxR responds:

thx for the review Ozcar! The fight scene took weeks by the way. A control would help, but I'm lazy :P.

Nice movie :)

Work with the audio sync ;) Isn't hard to do...Try to animate your characters better while their are walking... :)

-Graphics: 10 Nicew graphics, yes

- Style: 10 Above other animations if you let me add

-Sound: 8 Yes, work with the lips sync

-Violence: 9, wasn't it's strongest part of the movie, but was Ok.

Interactivity: 8 Although I loved the buttons from the begining, you had to wait for the movie to load before press them... You should add a preloader instead of the buttons.

Humor: 9 nice and with a good touch. Also, I have to add that I liked the voice actings...

Overall: The Ozcar-o-meter says 9

Good work!

Me gusto mucho :)

Me hiso sentir feliz en casi todo momento, quiza se deba a el uso que le diste a la cancion :)

- Las graficas fueron buenas, les di un nueve.
- El estilo fue original, me hiso recordar el manga oldschool, tienes un diez ahi.
- El sonido se baso en la cancion (La cual nunca habia escuchado) y como dije me proporciono cierta alegria y paz. Tienes un 9 ahi.
- La violencia fue interesante, ya que aun cuando no existian escenas con sangre, me gusto mucho la mocion que le diste al segumiento en las escenas de pelea. Muy bien :) 10
- La interactividad fue baja. Si pudieras agregarle un panel de control (Adelante, atras, detener, repetir, etc) le daria mas variedad a la animacion. Ocho.
- El humor fue muy bueno :) No se necesitaron palabras para que la gente entendiera lo que pasaba en pantalla. Otro 10.

En general, esta animacion se lleva mi diez :) Felicidades y sigue trabajando asi ;)

- Ozcar


My favorite scene was the one at the Forest (Where Protoman and Megaman have a talk)

Well done CheveLoco! I'll put you higher in my Favorite Authors list for this movie :)

By the way, great voice acting everyone. :D
- Ozcar

CheveLoco responds:

Thanx man

I'm the knight of ¥

Age 40, Male

Holy / Wise man

The life of course


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