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Muy buen trabajo Vinnie

Nuevamente poniendo en alto el nombre de los Latinos. Felicidades, Vinnie.

Quiza esta no sea la mejor de tus animaciones, pero estuvo dentro del nivel. Sigue trabajando duro (Y ya quitate el traje de huevon que no te queda, o dile a la novia que te deje trabajar mas en tus animaciones)

Graficas: 9. Muy a tu estilo, son buenas, agradables en todos los niveles, desde el menor de edad que las ve, hasta las del adulto que comienza a intesarse en tus animaciones.

Estilo: 10. Tu estilo es unico. Sigue asi.

Sonido: 9, una de mis canciones favoritas.

Violencia: 9, Me gusto la escena de la pelea en el salon, pero se noto que le flojeaste un poco ahi, por que he visto escenas de pelea mejores hechas por ti.

Interactividad: 7, el preloader no tiene nada de original, no hay boton de control de calidad ni botones para pausar la animacion ni para regresarla o adelantarla. Te sugiero que agregues un menu de este tipo para que hagan mas intereactivas tus animaciones.

Humor: 9, negro y blanco al mismo tiempo. Como siempre, es por ser propio de tu estilo. Digamos que tu estilo es "gris" :)

En general: 9, como dije, no es la mejor de tus animaciones, pero has hecho un muy buen trabajo.

Sigue asi.


Was funny

It really was. It really made me think about those many annoying kids that lurk everyday on the forums...

Guys, get a better microphone :) You have everything else....

* One thumb up *



I don't know why, but it really made me laugh XD

- Graphics: Well made. I liked them.
- Voice acting: Well done guys. You should join the Voice Actors crew.
- Audio: I hadn't heard the song, but was nice.

Keep up the good work.


f0d responds:


Recent Game Reviews

16 Game Reviews

Was good...

Good animator - Bad coder.

It needs a lot of work on the coding part... The concept is good but it becoms boring after the first 20 kids... Because they don't attack you at all... Also, the character can't look back. It has to walk backwards...

Keep up the good work man.

Rammer responds:

i'm not a bad coder ):

not to excuse my rather lackluster coding, but this WAS a new type of game i coded. the AI got insanely complicated when asking for candy, so i had to take that out, hence the lack of challenge. we were also on a rather small deadline. i asked Blaze several times for a turning around sprite for the skeleton, but he was working on backgrounds and other things. he never got around to it.

Was good but...

I don't know... I feel like it needed something more... Maybe more weapons, a Health bar, a score system... and more levels... It gets boring after the first 100 zombies... Would've been nice to see this in Halloween instead of Pico day...

Anyway... Happy Birthday Tom and keep up the good work.



Was interesting, indeed. I've played other Windows parodies/emulators/remakes and this one is well done. The SIMs game was a nice touch.

Keep up the good work.


Recent Audio Reviews

1 Audio Review

Good indeed

Somehow it reminds me a little Led Zeppeling's style, but your way to play the guitar is different. I've found out this song interesting, what instrument do you play? The guy that plays the drums is good and the one that plays the guitar has skills :)

I'd like to hear more about your band. Let me know if there's a way to get your CD online. Ok? Keep doing the good work.


Juggernaut-1 responds:

Well we do come from a classic rock background. We have tried to develop our own style. I play guitar (there are two of us) We will be offering our CD's on our website soon. Thx for the review.

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