
92 Movie Reviews

36 w/ Responses

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Muy buen trabajo Vinnie

Nuevamente poniendo en alto el nombre de los Latinos. Felicidades, Vinnie.

Quiza esta no sea la mejor de tus animaciones, pero estuvo dentro del nivel. Sigue trabajando duro (Y ya quitate el traje de huevon que no te queda, o dile a la novia que te deje trabajar mas en tus animaciones)

Graficas: 9. Muy a tu estilo, son buenas, agradables en todos los niveles, desde el menor de edad que las ve, hasta las del adulto que comienza a intesarse en tus animaciones.

Estilo: 10. Tu estilo es unico. Sigue asi.

Sonido: 9, una de mis canciones favoritas.

Violencia: 9, Me gusto la escena de la pelea en el salon, pero se noto que le flojeaste un poco ahi, por que he visto escenas de pelea mejores hechas por ti.

Interactividad: 7, el preloader no tiene nada de original, no hay boton de control de calidad ni botones para pausar la animacion ni para regresarla o adelantarla. Te sugiero que agregues un menu de este tipo para que hagan mas intereactivas tus animaciones.

Humor: 9, negro y blanco al mismo tiempo. Como siempre, es por ser propio de tu estilo. Digamos que tu estilo es "gris" :)

En general: 9, como dije, no es la mejor de tus animaciones, pero has hecho un muy buen trabajo.

Sigue asi.


Was funny

It really was. It really made me think about those many annoying kids that lurk everyday on the forums...

Guys, get a better microphone :) You have everything else....

* One thumb up *



I don't know why, but it really made me laugh XD

- Graphics: Well made. I liked them.
- Voice acting: Well done guys. You should join the Voice Actors crew.
- Audio: I hadn't heard the song, but was nice.

Keep up the good work.


f0d responds:


Not bad...

It has potential. I didn't like that fact that the file was 9 megas. I have a good conection but sometimes Newgrounds needs a lot of time to send the movie itself to our computers. You should've compressed more the animation. I've seen longer movies (And with more effects) that are smaller than 5 megas.

Keep that in mind.

I'd like to see what's next. So, I'll add this author to my favorites.

Keep up the good work.


Better than the first one :)

In the loading scene, the link to Latingrounds goes to latingrounds.tk

Our domain is latingrounds.org :)

In the same scene, the logo of RigoFlash does nothing. So, after you click it, it does nothing.

I really loved it!

The animation had fluency and I loved the way you mixed 32bits sprites, 16 bits sprites, 8 bits sprites and even hand made characters and backgrounds :)

Sometimes (Almost at the end) Mario doesn't make the 'annoying' sound he use to do everytime he talks. Maybe you forgot to add it.

I'd love to see another of these, but if you said 'no third one' well... I'll be waiting for your next movie.

Keep up the good work!


CheveLoco responds:

fixed ;)


One of the best Pico movies I've seen so far. You gotta work more with your 'walking cycles', the characters' hands and the voices. A better mic would've made the trick.

It had an odd and sad end, (I'd loved to see a fight among Eric and Pico) but it touched my heart <3

Keep up the good work. :)


Well made

Congrats man... It was even better than I expected... However, you gotta work on the lips sync. If you need help, drop me a line. I can make the voices sync for you if you wish.

Keep up the good work :)


Metal-Chuy responds:

Thanks Ozcar.
I like your offer. I'll take it.

Nada mal

Imagino que tu y Trujillo van a la misma escuela de animacion o algo asi.

Me gusto el ver que las voces estan bien sincronizadas, habla del esfuerzo que pusiste.

Sigue trabajando. La proxima vez, espero algo mas sorprendente de ambos :)


One of the best sprite movies I've seen.

I love the way you've been mixing sprites movies and good voice acting, I really do. It's not something you see everyday, because almost all the sprite animators out there don't care a lot about this factor.

Graphics: 10, your chose on the sprites was good and the animation ran smooth.

Style: 9, although this is a sprite movie, this one is beyond many I've seen out there.

Sound: 9, some of the voices had 'noise', but almost all them were flawless. Next time tell the voice actors to use some cotton on the top of the microphone, so some of the noise gets filter.

Violence: 9, I loved it! It had amazing fights :D Too bad you can't use blood (at all) on these kind of sprites (Megaman Sprites)

Interactivity: 8, you're a skilled animator, Rigo. I respect you and you're my most favorite animator. But, you gotta work harder in the interactivity of your animations. You could add a 'movie player' on the bottom of your movies (Or on the top) to jump from one scene to another, or to return to the last scene...even to pause the movie for a second! All your movies are long and well made, and this one was very long...so a Pause button would've been handy here. Try to work on this, please ;)

Humor: 9 :)

Overall: 10. I can see you didn't make this movie in a week...Man! Not even in a month... I bet you spent more than 2 or 3 months working in this... And it worths it :)

Congratulations. Keep up the good work (And the name of the latin community too)


Me gusto :)

Si quieres ayuda para que alguien te lo narre en Ingles, hasmelo saber. En Newgrounds tenemos un grupo de Voice Actors en Ingles.

Si ocupas algo para corregir los errores gramaticales al Ingles, mandame un e-mail.

ozcar [arroba] newgrounds [punto] com

Sigue adelante.


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